If geometry is created in Rhino, it can be assigned a material using the DIVA-for-Rhino toolbar. This option is useful for scene objects that do not require algorithmic manipulation.

Step 1: Create geometry in Rhino, using different layers for different materials.
Step 2: Use the Materials button in the DIVA-for-Rhino toolbar to assign materials by layer.
Step 3: Reference the Rhino model by setting the Include Rhino Scene parameter to True on the relevant simulation component.

With the Include Rhino Scene option enabled (it is hidden by default), a simulation component will acquire all visible objects in the Rhino document any time a Run begins. You do not need to run a Metric using the DIVA-for-Rhino toolbar for changes to take effect. Simply assign materials using the toolbar’s Materials form, elect the scene elements to include by making them visible, and begin a run. Note that all scene objects inherited from Rhino in this fashion will be treated as static. If you are running an Annual Daylight simulation, you should handle dynamic elements (like windows with shades) separately.